
Skote React is having routing setup based on React-Redux & Redux-Saga. The Store configurations are located in src/store folder.

All module's actions are exported from src/store/actions.js file, All module's reducer are exported from src/store/reducers.js file, All module's saga are exported from src/store/sagas.js file, The src/store/index.js file is handling global redux-store of the template.

How To Create Actions & Saga ?

This example is created with new module's actions & saga creation.

  1. Create a folder named with your module in src/store folder and then create actions.js, saga.js, reducer.js & actionTypes.js files and follow the pattern of other modules added in this template.
  2. Add your action name in the actionTypes.js file. E.g.
    export const GET_USERS_LIST = "GET_USERS_LIST"
  3. Create the action in the action.js file. And make sure you pass the same action type as a type parameter which you added in actionTypes.js file E.g.
    export const getUsersList = (filters) => {
      return {
        type: GET_USERS_LIST,
        payload: filters,

    type : action name

    payload : action parameters (if any)

  4. Add your action to the reducer.js as well. E.g.
    import { GET_USERS_LIST } from "./actionTypes"
    const INIT_STATE = {
      users: [],
    const contacts = (state = INIT_STATE, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case GET_USERS_LIST:
          return {
            users: action.payload,
          return state
    export default contacts
  5. Add saga function & watcher for action in saga.js file. E.g.
    function* getUsersList() {
      try {
        // you can perform any action here, E.g. call the api for get user's list                           
      } catch (error) {
        // error handler                                 
    // watchers
    function* contactsSaga() {
      yield takeEvery(GET_USERS_LIST, getUsersList)
    export default usersSaga;
Store Actions & Reducers
  • Layout :

    This store modules is made for layout's actions, it handles theme customizer's actions & values. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/layout folder.

  • Authentication :

    This store modules handles app authentication. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/auth folder.

  • Calendar :

    This store modules handles app Calendar's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/calendar folder.

  • Chat :

    This store modules handles app Chat's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/chat folder.

  • Contacts :

    This store modules handles app Contact module's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/chat folder.

  • Crypto :

    This store modules handles app Crypto-Currency's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/crypto folder.

  • Dashboard :

    This store modules handles app's default dashboard's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/dashboard folder.

  • Dashboard-Saas :

    This store modules handles app's saas-dashboard's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/dashboard-saas folder.

  • E-Commerce :

    This store modules handles app e-commerce functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/e-commerce folder.

  • Invoices :

    This store modules handles app invoice module's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/e-commerce folder.

  • E-Mail :

    This store modules handles app e-mail module's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/mails folder.

  • Projects :

    This store modules handles app project module's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/projects folder.

  • Tasks :

    This store modules handles app task module's functionalities. You can find actions, reducer & saga files in src/store/projects folder.

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