How to Create a New Page

Here is the example on how to create your custom page and add it to the leftsidebar menu, breadcrumbs and also meta tag.

1. Create a new folder in src/pages. ex. NewPage, and then create a js file in src/pages/NewPage with name index.js

Example :-

  • As you know, there are 2 different types of layouts, first is Blank Layout and second is Full layout.

    - if you want to make your page blank layout, then you need to wrap your page's content with <Container fluid={false}>

    - if you want to make your page with full layout, then you need to wrap your page's content with <div className="page-content"><div> tag and <Container fluid={true}>

  • Add Breadcrumbs component. it's a common component, it's used to add breadcrumbs in your page.

    - You have to pass 2 props here, first is title and second is breadcrumbItem.

    - the title prop refers to page title and the breadcrumbItem refers to page's breadcrumb item's title.

  • Add MetaTags to give a html title to your page.

- Hook Base Components
import React from 'react';
import MetaTags from 'react-meta-tags';  // Added Meta Tag npm Package
import { Container } from "reactstrap";

//Import Breadcrumb
import Breadcrumbs from "../../components/Common/Breadcrumb";

    const newPage = () => {
        return (
                <div className="page-content">
                    <title>New Page | Skote - React Admin & Dashboard Template</title>
                    <Container fluid={true}>
                        <Breadcrumbs title="New Page" breadcrumbItem="New Page" />
                            //write Html code or structure


export default newPage;
- Hooks Base Components (without layout)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import MetaTags from 'react-meta-tags';  // Added Meta Tag npm Package
import { Container } from "reactstrap";

    const newPage = () => {
        return (
                  <title>New Page | Skote - React Admin & Dashboard Template</title>
                        //write Html code or structure

export default newPage;
- Class Base Components (with Layouts)
import React from 'react';
import MetaTags from 'react-meta-tags';  // Added Meta Tag npm Package
import { Container } from "reactstrap";

//Import Breadcrumb
import Breadcrumbs from "../../components/Common/Breadcrumb";

class newPage extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <div className="page-content">
                    <title>New Page | Skote - React Admin & Dashboard Template</title>
                    <Container fluid={true}>
                        <Breadcrumbs title="New Page" breadcrumbItem="New Page" />
                            //write Html code or structure


export default newPage;
- Class Base Components (without layout)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import MetaTags from 'react-meta-tags';  // Added Meta Tag npm Package
import { Container } from "reactstrap";

class newPage extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                  <title>New Page | Skote - React Admin & Dashboard Template</title>
                        //write Html code or structure

export default newPage;
2. Add your new page's route in /src/routes/index.js file.
  • Check the Routes section to see how to add routes to the web application.

  • if you want to create a page with blank layout, then add your page's routes in publicRoutes

    Example :-

    import newPage from "../pages/newPage"
    const publicRoutes = [
        { path: "/new-page", component: newPage }                                          
  • if you want to create a page with full layout, then add your page's routes in authProtectedRoutes

    Example :-

    import newPage from "../pages/newPage"
    const authProtectedRoutes = [
        { path: "/new-page", component: newPage }                                          
3. Add a navigation in the layouts

For more details, check the Navigation page to see how to add menu item in your template.

  • For Vertical Layout :- /src/components/VerticalLayout/SidebarContent.js

  • For Horizontal Layout :- /src/components/HorizontalLayout/Navbar.js

Example :-

Class Base Components
    /** Vertical layout */
    <ul className="metismenu list-unstyled" id="side-menu">
            <Link to="/new-page">{this.props.t("New Page")}</Link>
    /** Horizontal layout */
    <ul className="navbar-nav">
            <Link to="/new-page">{this.props.t("New Page")}</Link>
Hooks Base Components
/** Vertical layout */

<ul className="metismenu list-unstyled" id="side-menu">
        <Link to="/new-page">{props.t("New Page")}</Link>

/** Horizontal layout */
<ul className="navbar-nav">
        <Link to="/new-page">{props.t("New Page")}</Link>
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