API Integration

Skote react having fake-backend setup already. you will find all files related to api integrations in the src/helpers folder. By default we have provided fake-backend but you can remove it and update with your custom API by doing the following changes in the src/helpers.

  • src/helpers/api_helper.js file contains axios setup to call server API(s) including get, put, post, delete, etc methods, interceptors & token set methods.

  • src/helpers/fakebackend_helper.js file contain all API's call functions.

  • src/helpers/url_helper.js file contain all module's API's url.

Note : we have added a Fake backend setup just for user interactions, but if you are working with the real API integration, then there is no need of fake-backend so you can simply delete the file src/helpers/fakeBackend.js, and remove the code related to Fake-Backend from app.js file. you just need to update API's URL of the related module in the src/helpers/url_helper file, that's it!
How to Integrate custom API?

Please follow the below steps to make the custom API working.

  1. Let's assume that our API's URL is "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts". sFirst we have to add this URL in /src/helpers/url_helper.js file
    export const GET_DEMO_DATA = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts";
  2. Whatever methods you want to use, import it import { del,get,post,put } from "./api_helper"; and add below function in src/helpers/fakebackend_helper.js file. We have created new function getDemoData and exported it so it can be used in another files.
    import { del, get, post, put } from "./api_helper";
    import * as url from "./url_helper";
    const getDemoData = () => get(url.GET_DEMO_DATA);
    export { getDemoData };
  • After the above setup, We will do redux action's setup. Please check How To Create Actions & Saga first.

    Create a folder named with your module in src/store folder i.e. demo module then it should be src/store/demo then create actions.js, saga.js, reducer.js & actionTypes.js files and follow the pattern of other modules which are added in this template. Also do not forget to export it in main files (action.js, reducer.js and saga.js ) of src/store folder.

  • Add your action name in the actionTypes.js as well. Here, we can have either success or error response from the api. so we have managed this by GET_DEMO_DATA_SUCCESS & GET_DEMO_DATA_FAIL actions.
    export const GET_DEMO_DATA = "GET_DEMO_DATA";
  • Create the action in the action.js file. And make sure you pass the same action type as a type parameter that you added in the actionTypes.js file.
    import {
    } from "./actionTypes";
    export const getDemoData = () => ({
      type: GET_DEMO_DATA,
    export const getDemoDataSuccess = data => ({
      payload: data,
    export const getDemoDataFail = error => ({
      type: GET_DEMO_DATA_FAIL,
      payload: error,
  • Add your action to the reducer.ts.
    import {
    } from "./actionTypes";
    const INIT_STATE = {
      demoData: [],
    const Demo = (state = INIT_STATE, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
          return {
            demoData: action.payload,
        case GET_DEMO_DATA_FAIL:
          return {
            error: action.payload,
          return state;
    export default Demo;
  • Now, create saga.ts file and Add saga funtion & watcher for the action.
    import { takeEvery, put, call,all,fork  } from "redux-saga/effects";
    // Login Redux States
    import {
    } from "./actionTypes"
    import {
    } from "./actions"
    import { getDemoData } from "../../helpers/fakebackend_helper";
    function* fetchDemoData() {
      try {
        const response = yield call(getDemoData)
        yield put(getDemoDataSuccess(response))
      } catch (error) {
        yield put(getDemoDataFail(error))
    export function* watchFetchDemoData() {
      yield takeEvery(GET_DEMO_DATA, fetchDemoData);
    function* demoSaga() {
      yield all([fork(watchFetchDemoData)]);
    export default demoSaga;
  • After redux & saga's setup, you just need to call the action from your component.
  • Hooks base Example
  • import React, { useEffect } from "react";
    import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "react-redux";
    // actions
    import { getDemoData } from "../store/actions";
    const Demo = (props) => {
      const dispatch = useDispatch();
      const { demoData } = useSelector(state => ({
        demoData: state.Demo.demoData,
      get data
      useEffect(() => {
      }, [dispatch]);
      // your API's response data will be in events variable.
      return (
    export default Demo;
  • Class base Example
    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import PropTypes from "prop-types";
    import { connect } from "react-redux";
    // actions
    import { getDemoData } from "../store/actions";
    class Demo extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
          demo: []
      componentDidMount() {
        const { onGetDemoData } = this.props;
      //get Data
      componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
        if (prevProps !== this.props) {
          this.setState({ ...this.state, demo: this.props.demoData });
      render() {
        return (
    Demo.propTypes = {
      demoData: PropTypes.any,
      onGetDemoData: PropTypes.func
    const mapStateToProps = ({ Demo }) => ({
      demoData: Demo.demoData,
    const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
      onGetDemoData: () => dispatch(getDemoData()),
    export default connect(
      mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps