@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Number Input') @section('vendor-style') @endsection @section('content')


Add .touchspin class with input tag to add touchspin input group. Add .disabled-touchspin class and add attribute disabled with input tag to add disabled touchspin input group.


Add .input-group-lg and .input-group-sm class for touchspin large and small respectively.


Set data-bts-step and data-bts-decimals attributes for decimal type Input Touchspin.

Min - Max

Set min and max attributes values for minimum and maximum in page js file.


Set step attribute value in page js file.

Colors Variation

set data-bts-button-down-class & data-bts-button-up-class attribute and add value as btn btn-{color} for different colors spinner.

@endsection @section('vendor-script') @endsection @section('page-script') @endsection