@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Progress') @section('content') {{-- Basic Progress start --}}

Basic Progress

Reticulating splines… 0%
Reticulating splines… 25%
Reticulating splines… 50%
Reticulating splines… 75%
Reticulating splines… 100%
{{-- Basic Progress end --}} {{-- Colored Progress start --}}

Colored Progress

Use class .progress-bar-{color-name}. to choose color of your choice

{{-- Colored Progress end --}} {{-- Labeled Progress start --}}

Labeled Progress

{{-- Labeled Progress end --}} {{-- Striped Progress start --}}

Striped Progress

Uses a gradient to create a striped effect, add .progress-bar-striped with .progress-bar class.

{{-- Striped Progress end --}} {{-- Animated Progress start --}}

Animated Progress

To get progressbar with animated effect, add .progress-bar-animated with .progress-bar class.

{{-- Animated Progress end --}} {{-- Progress Sizes start --}}

Progress Sizes

For Default progress, No size class needed. you can use class .progress-{sm|md|lg|xl} with .progress to change size of your progress bar.

{{-- Progress Sizes end --}} @endsection