@extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Pills') @section('content') {{-- Basic and Outline Pills start --}}


Use class .nav-pills with .nav class to create tabs with pills

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

Active Border Pills

Use .nav-active-bordered-pill class to .nav-pills for bordered type pills.

Oat cake marzipan cake lollipop caramels wafer pie jelly beans. Icing halvah chocolate cake carrot cake. Jelly beans carrot cake marshmallow gingerbread chocolate cake. Gummies cupcake croissant.

Sugar plum tootsie roll biscuit caramels. Liquorice brownie pastry cotton candy oat cake fruitcake jelly chupa chups. Pudding caramels pastry powder cake soufflé wafer caramels. Jelly-o pie cupcake.

Biscuit ice cream halvah candy canes bear claw ice cream cake chocolate bar donut. Toffee cotton candy liquorice. Oat cake lemon drops gingerbread dessert caramels. Sweet dessert jujubes powder sweet sesame snaps.

{{-- Basic and Outline Pills end --}} {{-- Filled Pills Start --}}


Force your .nav contents to extend the full available width one of two modifier classes. To proportionately fill all available space with your .nav-items, use .nav-fill.

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

{{-- Filled Pills End --}} {{-- Justified Pills Start --}}


For equal-width elements, use .nav-justified. All horizontal space will be occupied by nav links, but unlike the .nav-fill above, every nav item will be the same width.

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

{{-- Justified Pills End --}} {{-- Centered Pills Start --}}

Center Alignment

To force your nav items to center use class .justify-content-center with .nav

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

{{-- Centered Pills End --}} {{-- End Pills Start --}}

Right Alignment

To force your nav items to right use class .justify-content-end with .nav

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

{{-- End Pills End --}} {{-- Vertical Pills start --}}

Vertically Stacked Pills

Use .flex-column class with .nav.nav-pills to stack them vertically. Each .nav-link becomes block-level, allowing for larger hit areas via mouse or tap.

Candy canes donut chupa chups candy canes lemon drops oat cake wafer. Cotton candy candy canes marzipan carrot cake. Sesame snaps lemon drops candy marzipan donut brownie tootsie roll. Icing croissant bonbon biscuit gummi bears.

Bear claw donut sesame snaps bear claw liquorice jelly-o bear claw carrot cake. Sesame snaps wafer marshmallow danish dragée candy muffin jelly beans tootsie roll. Jelly beans oat cake chocolate cake tiramisu sweet.

{{-- Vertical Pills end --}} {{-- Nav Pills Themes Starts --}} {{-- Nav Pills Themes Ends --}} @endsection