@use "sass:string"; /* ℹ️ This function is helpful when we have multi dimensional value Assume we have padding variable `$nav-padding-horizontal: 10px;` With above variable let's say we use it in some style: ```scss .selector { margin-left: $nav-padding-horizontal; } ``` Now, problem is we can also have value as `$nav-padding-horizontal: 10px 15px;` In this case above style will be invalid. This function will extract the left most value from the variable value. $nav-padding-horizontal: 10px; => 10px; $nav-padding-horizontal: 10px 15px; => 10px; This is safe: ```scss .selector { margin-left: get-first-value($nav-padding-horizontal); } ``` */ @function get-first-value($var) { $start-at: string.index(#{$var}, " "); @if $start-at { @return string.slice( #{$var}, 0, $start-at ); } @else { @return $var; } }